ROAR Product Update - January

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🚀 Reciprocity ROAR Evidence Requests now provide two additional fields:

  • URL - Allows you to point to evidence stored in a separate repository like Sharepoint or Google Drive.
  • Notes - New functionality to provide additional guidance and correspond with evidence providers.

🚀 Generate an Audit Report from our recently updated report templates! The Reciprocity ROAR Audit Reports help diverse audiences (i.e. The Board, Leadership, Senior Management) analyze risk and compliance data across a program in an easily accessible format (i.e. PDF).

🚀 The Program Wizard was recently streamlined to support quick program creation and launch. Additionally, all risk and compliance programs are now addressed. 
🚀 Use the Connectors Hub to view and manage all available Reciprocity ROAR integrations from a central location.

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