ZenGRC Product Update - August

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We've made great strides focusing on improving our capabilities to integrate with other tools. Here are a few of the latest updates we’ve made to ZenGRC:

API Improvements: Additional Objects are now accessible via the APIs, adding PUT/POST functionality as well as the ability to access Comments and Attachments via the API. We’ve also added access to additional Fields, including Tags, Dates, Notes, Owners, and urls. Additional updates can be found here.

The following Objects have been updated: Objectives, Controls, Vendors, Products, Risks, Markets, Systems, Threats, Deviations.

Vendor Object-Task Creation: You can now create a Task via the API from the Vendor Object

New External Auditor role: This allows someone the ability to View, Approve, Issue Findings, and Make Requests from that Audit.  In addition, the role can get assigned to an assessment so they can:

  • Initially document the control effectiveness, document their observations, etc. where the audit manager is then set as the verifier of the assessment.
  • Allow an auditor to create issues from the assessments to document any findings that require remediation for the control.
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